Free Code Camp and Learning Express.js: Hello World

This one was fairly simple, and Quincy explained it in the video that’s part of the assignment, so I won’t spend much time on it. Here are the directions and hints:

Exercise 1 of 8

Create an Express.js app that outputs “Hello World!” when somebody goes to /home.

The port number will be provided to you by expressworks as the first argument of the application, ie. process.argv[2].



This is how we can create an Express.js app on port 3000, that responds with a string on ‘/’:

var express = require('express')
 var app = express()
 app.get('/', function(req, res) {
 res.end('Hello World!')

Please use process.argv[2] instead of a fixed port number:


One thing I did that Quincy didn’t was assign the port to a variable rather than just referencing process.argv[2]. As he noted, the slash sign in the call to app.get is for the root, and to go to home from the root it would be /home and we add the word home. That’s it for this one!

var express = require('express')
var port = process.argv[2];

var app = express()
app.get('/home', function(req, res) {
res.end('Hello World!')

And that’s it!  See you next time!

FreeCodeCamp and Learning Express.JS: Introduction

So, we’ve finally completed the Node.js tutorials and now we’re ready to move on.  The next tutorial in the Back End Development Certification sequence for FreeCodeCamp is Express.js.  What is that, you ask?

The basic explanation is this:  Express is a whole bunch of routines to do things in Node so you don’t have to write long programs with lots of code.  It’s a library, so you can call it from within Node, and it “sits on top” of the Node Server.  It’s also extensible – you can call other libraries from Express.js – and we will in the tutorials ahead.

The fancy term for Express is Middleware.  You have a whole bunch of small routines that are part of a stack, and Node’s http server hands off requests to this stack via Express, the “middleware”, which processes it, and then the stack returns a response to the Node server again and that goes on to the client.

I know that a lot of this isn’t going to make sense now; but as we go through the tutorials you’ll start to get some of it.  This tutorial was okay – I learned some from it – but I think that it could have covered things like routes a whole lot better.  We’ll come to that though.  For now, I’ll leave you with a link to the tutorial that FreeCodeCamp recommends before starting the Express.js tutorial:

Also, I very highly recommend this book:


Express in Action: Writing, building, and testing Node.js applications by Evan Hahn


See you next time!

Review: Coursera Fundamentals of GIS Class via UC Davis

I just wrapped up the Fundamentals of GIS class offered by UC Davis on Coursera.  I already had a grasp on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) information offered in the class, but it comes with a free one year license to use ArcGIS and it also teaches you how to use it.  It is also part of a five-course sequence that, if you complete it, offers a certificate in GIS.
One of the most interesting things, to me, is that programming is becoming a bigger and bigger part of GIS – presenting the information to people over the web.  ArcGIS even has a JavaScript API that you can use to accomplish this.  In FreeCodeCamp, I’ll eventually be learning visualization using D3.js and other technologies, and I see this as one more item in my toolbox.  The fact that I’ve always loved maps doesn’t hurt, either!
This first class was pretty basic – teaching, for example, what projections are, a little about thinking spatially, and various other concepts related to GIS.  It also began to teach how to use ArcGIS, such as pulling in map layers, looking at the tables that actually store the data attached to features on the map, and how to package it up and present it on the web.
For the final project, we had to construct a map, package it, and make it available by pdf and on the web.  What we did was take a map of California, add the counties, and then look at the data for voting on an environmental issue.  We had the data on the total who voted – yes or no, and also on how many voted in favor.  The idea is to present the proportion of yes votes to total votes, and put it in a format that is easy to read.  More basic are the requirements to add such typical map elements as a legend and a North indicator.  My map is below; you can also view it online at the ArcGIS website here.
This was a fun course and I learned a lot.  I’m looking forward to the next class in the sequence, GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality, which begins July 25.

Free Code Camp and Learning Node: HTTP JSON API Server

Last exercise in learnyounode!  W00t!

There’s an awful lot of acronyms in the title for this exercise, and that’s appropriate, because this one is pretty complex.  Strap in, because this is going to be a long post!

This one was very frustrating though.  I spent an hour or more stumped because I couldn’t access the port – I was getting an error that said, “error: listen EACCES http://localhost:37243” (Mind you, the number changed each time). I was able to finally get around this by creating a new worksheet in Cloud9, installing learnyounode on it, and then doing this exercise.  I also needed to use npm install http and npm install url again, since this is a new workspace.


As always, directions and hints first!

HTTP JSON API SERVER (Exercise 13 of 13)
  Write an HTTP server that serves JSON data when it receives a GET request to the path ‘/api/parsetime’. Expect the request to contain a query string with a key ‘iso’ and an ISO-format time as the value.
  For example:
  The JSON response should contain only ‘hour’, ‘minute’ and ‘second’ properties. For example:
       “hour”: 14,
       “minute”: 23,
       “second”: 15
  Add second endpoint for the path ‘/api/unixtime’ which accepts the same query string but returns UNIX epoch time in milliseconds (the number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC) under the property ‘unixtime’. For example:
     { “unixtime”: 1376136615474 }
  Your server should listen on the port provided by the first argument to your program.
  The request object from an HTTP server has a url property that you will need to use to “route” your requests for the two endpoints.
  You can parse the URL and query string using the Node core ‘url’ module. url.parse(request.url, true) will parse content of request.url and provide you with an object with helpful properties.
  For example, on the command prompt, type:
     $ node -pe “require(‘url’).parse(‘/test?q=1’, true)”
  Documentation on the url module can be found by pointing your browser here:
  Your response should be in a JSON string format. Look at JSON.stringify() for more information.
  You should also be a good web citizen and set the Content-Type properly:
     res.writeHead(200, { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ })

  The JavaScript Date object can print dates in ISO format, e.g. new Date().toISOString(). It can also parse this format if you pass the string into the Date constructor. Date#getTime() will also come in handy.

The actual URL for help with URL is:

Typing node -pe “require(‘url’).parse(‘/test?q=1’, true)” at the $ prompt gives us:

Url {
  protocol: null,
  slashes: null,
  auth: null,
  host: null,
  port: null,
  hostname: null,
  hash: null,
  search: ‘?q=1’,
  query: { q: ‘1’ },
  pathname: ‘/test’,
  path: ‘/test?q=1’,
  href: ‘/test?q=1’ }


Okay, to start, we are going to need the http and url packages, so we write our require statements.  Also, although they don’t tell us, we need a port.  If you make an empty program that just says


It will return a port number.  Note that this port number changes all the time, so don’t bother using a number.  So far, then, we have:

<div>var http = require('http');</div>
<div>var url = require('url');</div>
<div>var port = process.argv[2];</div>

A few exercises back, we did an HTTP server, and we’re going to use the skeleton from that one:

<div>var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {&nbsp;</div>
<div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// request handling logic... &nbsp;</div>

We’ll change 8000 to port, of course.

Now’s where we start really digging in.  We need to parse the URL that is sent to us.  We’re going to assign the result to a variable.  The URL is specified in the request, and is accessed by req.url.  So:

<div>var reqURL = url.parse(req.url);</div>

When you parse it (see the documentation I linked to above), you can, for example, pull out the path.  We’re going to need that, so we know if it is ‘/api/parsetime ‘ or ‘/api/unixtime’.  That is done by adding a dot followed by pathname and that gives us:

<div>var reqPath = url.parse(req.url).pathname;</div>

Last, I declare a variable called timeStmp that will hold the time sent to me by the request.  We’re going to use it in different places so I need to declare it here for scope reasons.

Also, from the lesson I referenced above, we also need to add:


So the program stops listening on the port or it will never end!

All right, then, here’s what we have so far:

<div>var http = require('http');</div>
<div>var url = require('url');</div>
<div>var port = process.argv[2];</div>
<div>var server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {</div>
<div>var reqURL = url.parse(req.url);</div>
<div>var reqPath = url.parse(req.url).pathname;</div>
<div>var timeStmp;</div>


Now we need to start processing the requests.  This had me stumped for a bit.  The key is to note that you are going to get more than one request, and you need to execute different actions depending on which request you get.  That sounds like a job for an if statement!


Two if statements, in fact, one to deal with the hours/minutes/seconds request and one to deal with the unixtime request.  If the request we get is neither of these, the res.end(); statement we have in there near the end will just print a blank line.

So, we create the two if statements, which will compare the paths given to us by the requests to the ones given in the directions:

<div>if(reqPath == '/api/parsetime') {</div>
<div>/* do stuff */</div>
<div>if (reqPath == '/api/unixtime') {</div>
<div>/* do different stuff */</div>

Now, we need the time given to us by the requests to return the information they are asking for.  They are giving us something like this:


The part we need is from 2013 on.  According to the documentation, the stuff after the question mark is the query.  That includes “iso=”, which we don’t need, so we’re going to get a substring of that query string that leaves out those 4 letters, like so:

timeStmp = reqURL.query.substring(4);

This date is in ISO-format, but we can convert this to a usable date like so:

<div>var urlTime = new Date(timeStmp);</div>

For the hours/minutes/seconds request, we can easily get them now:

<div>var hours = urlTime.getHours();</div>
<div>var minutes = urlTime.getMinutes();</div>
<div>var seconds = urlTime.getSeconds();</div>

For the Unix time, we execute:

<div>var unixdate = urlTime.getTime();</div>

Finally, we have everything we need.  We must send it back via the response now.  We specify JSON format as given to us in the hints:

<div>res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });</div>

Next, we use res.end to send it to the requester, and we convert it to JSON format.  For the hours/minutes/seconds request:

<div>res.end(JSON.stringify( { "hour": hours,</div>
<div>                            "minute": minutes,</div>
<div>                            "second": seconds</div>
<div>  }));</div>

And for the unixtime request:

<div>res.end(JSON.stringify( { "unixtime": unixdate }));</div>

And that’s it!  We’re done!  This is the last exercise in the learnyounode tutorial, and now we’re going to move on to the Express.js tutorial next!  See you then.  In the meantime, here’s the final program:

<div>var http = require('http');</div>
<div>var url = require('url');</div>
<div>var port = process.argv[2];</div>
<div>var server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {</div>
<div>var reqURL = url.parse(req.url);</div>
<div>var reqPath = url.parse(req.url).pathname;</div>
<div>var timeStmp;</div>
<div>if(reqPath == '/api/parsetime') {</div>
<div>  timeStmp = reqURL.query.substring(4);</div>
<div>  var urlTime = new Date(timeStmp);</div>
<div>  var hours = urlTime.getHours();</div>
<div>  var minutes = urlTime.getMinutes();</div>
<div>  var seconds = urlTime.getSeconds();</div>
<div>  res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });</div>
<div>  res.end(JSON.stringify( { "hour": hours,</div>
<div>                            "minute": minutes,</div>
<div>                            "second": seconds</div>
<div>  }));</div>
<div>if (reqPath == '/api/unixtime') {</div>
<div>  timeStmp = reqURL.query.substring(4);</div>
<div>  var urlTime = new Date(timeStmp);</div>
<div>  var unixdate = urlTime.getTime();</div>
<div>  console.log(unixdate);</div>
<div>    res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });</div>
<div>    res.end(JSON.stringify( { "unixtime": unixdate }));</div>