Update – Graduation looms…

So my semester is just about done.  I am finished with my SQL class, and am awaiting the final grades in my International Relations class. I finished my Future Cities class on EDX as well.  Whew!  Now I can graduate!

In related news, I finished a Global Health class and an Epidemiology class online.  These were not officially graded, being work-at-your-own pace classes, but I scored an A in each of them.

So, school done, what next?  Well, I am working on continuing to burnish my computer skills – Python and R, both very big languages in Data Science.  For the spring, I am signed up for a class for R and also a class on how to use programming to do linear algebra – this will be in Python.

At this point, I think my future direction may lie in Computational Epidemiology.

In addition, I am reading.  As always, I will post a list of the books I read this year in January.  Right now, I am reading a book on the history of the number Zero, and a book on Topology.  For fun, I have been reading HALO books.  I’ve never really played the game but it’s a cool setting.

Anyway, more later!